

So, sometimes when I am thinking about it gravity freaks me out. Well, it's not the gravity that freaks me out, actually I'm a fan. It is the lack of gravity that bothers me. I remember in some science class where the teacher told us about how fast the earth is actually spinning and traveling. Well, I don't remember it well enough to be exact, but I remember it well enough to be glad I was inside. So, sometimes when I an thinking about it, I think about what would happen if gravity just stopped and we all went flying out into space. How we'd all go flying into space and die. I'm just imaging that first initial instant when it all took place. What would we be thinking before it was all over. I don't know its just weird to think about this force that holds us all down, makes us be able to walk around. Sometimes when I think about I get so freaked out I don't want to leave my house again, not that it would keep me from getting sucked off the face of the planet, but I feel safe here. Also another thing that freaks me out, is how murderers come up for parole. If a person is found guilty of killing someone else why the heck should they get out of prison and get the chance do it again. Or may be they won't do it again, but why would we take that chance. I am talking about a person who made the choice to brutally take another persons life. How is this possible that a murder like this has the opportunity even to go before a parole board. I am not a supporter of eye for an eye, but I don't think they should get out of prison ever! It scares me and with my luck the crazy psycho murderer would move in next door.